Grade 11
By Subject/Course:

(Physics) In this project, we were learning about sound waves and were tasked with making a musical instrument that could play sounds at the required frequencies. I chose to make a panflute and thus I had to calculate the length of the tube required to generate the frequency needed for each note. This was a short project, and so has a short document, see below.

Falling Penny
(Physics) There is a common urban legend that a penny dropped from a large height will continually accelerate to incredibly high velocities and upon impact release a devastating amount of force and kill a pedestrian walking below. in this scientific paper I explore this problem through the lens of physics and math. I also test different scenarios, such as a penny falling on its edge, or a ¢50 roll of pennies.

Naval Jelly
(Chemistry) In this presentation, I will be using a scientific lens to determine the validity of a claim made by the company Loctite surrounding their product, "Naval Jelly". The presentation will include theoretically evaluating the substance, as well as empirically running an experiment to test the product. Unfortunately, the demo was done live and was not recorded, however, the results are still shown on the slides.

Motorized Pods
The goal is to design a “pod” that will have a wheel whose direction can be altered from between 0-360 degrees. The pod will also be able to rotate 90 degrees in another axis to be able to “tuck into” the vehicle. This means that the pod requires movement in 3 separate axes. Then there is also the front pod, which has an entirely different design. All that plus the electronics and programming required to control it. Check it all out below.
This project was truly more than anything a test and development of my CAD skills. Using orthographic drawings over 20 intricate pieces had to be constructed and then assembled into a working linkage of a 6 cylinder radial engine. You can view animations and the CAD of the engine below.

Pull Toy
This project attempted to make a fun children's toy that when pulled would move in an interesting way. I decided to explore 3 major ideas, all using different mechanisms. The first was a fixed linkage that converted rotary motion to linear motion. The second idea translated linear motion perpendicular to how it was received. The last idea was similar to the first but used two separate CAMs to create a bobbing motion.

A quick video about how you can manufacture a T-Slot cleaner. Gives different options to do so, you can build the project whether you have a simple hacksaw or an advanced milling machine. This projects main machine of focus was the bandsaw.

Wearable Ring
This project involved creating a wearable ring that matched the dimensions of our fingers. Getting the stock cylinder to the right diameter, drilling out the hole, chamfering the edges, and knurling the surface are all included in this project. This project's primary machine was the Lathe.

Playing Dice
This was the summative project for the manufacturing course I took. This project primarily uses the milling machine. First the stock needs to be squared and cut to the correct dimensions, then chamfered, before marking the holes in the correct locations, then drilling them out.