Programming Languages
This is a sub-section of my skills. Each language can be clicked to take you to a project that was built using that language.
Python is powerful... and fast; plays well with others; runs everywhere; is friendly & easy to learn.
Python is my favourite programming language due to how flexible, simple, and yet powerful it is. I have been creating code in python for about three years now and have loved the experience throughout the entire time. I have peeked into several applications of python but have mainly focused on creating games with the Pygame library. I also participate in the Canadian Computing Contest (CCC) using python; in grade 11 I ranked within the top 2% in the CCC junior competition.
C++ is a low level language at heart with some high level functionality
I first got introduced to C++ when I started programming robots. I was programming for the Vex system when I was introduced to RobotC, a language-based heavily on C++. That was almost two and a half years ago and I still continue to improve my skills in C++ through developing code to control robots. Most recently I used it to program my surface level macro aquatic trash cleaning robot; The Trashminator. From a full visual GUI to AI based image recognition, click view more to see it all.
From Blu-ray players to Planes; 3 Billion devices run Java
I primarily use Java to program my FTC robots. With 5000+ lines of code written to create, efficient, reliable, and readable TeleOperated and Autonmous code I learned Java through robotics. My work even got international recognition when I won the "Control Award" at the Asia Pacific offseason FTC competition. The Control Award celebrates a robot that uses sensors and software to increase the Robot’s functionality on the field. It is essentially an award for the best programming implementation to solve the year's game challange.
HTML,CSS, and JavaScript
The foundations of the internet
Web development is also a new pursuit of mine and although initially, I did not enjoy it I have now come around to liking it. HTML and CSS just took some getting used to since it was so different compared to the traditional backend languages I was used to such as Python, C++ and Java. Now I have begun tinkering with APIs like bootstrap, Google Charts, and Disqus. I plan to continue learning more API's and more about CSS, which has never been my strength.